The Coral Sea is a rare example of a marine environment that is blooming.
Bountiful fish populations including grey and white tip reef sharks, hammerheads, manta rays, tuna, barracuda, turtles and rare sea creatures such as the nautilus inhabit the waters, alongside an incredibly diverse range of corals.
But, this is kind of chaning, and some alarming signals are already clear to our eyes.
Bountiful fish populations including grey and white tip reef sharks, hammerheads, manta rays, tuna, barracuda, turtles and rare sea creatures such as the nautilus inhabit the waters, alongside an incredibly diverse range of corals.
But, this is kind of chaning, and some alarming signals are already clear to our eyes.
Coral reefs are disappearing at a rate 5 times faster than rainforests, and the populations of large marine species - such as sharks and tuna - are estimated to have declined by up to 90% in many areas.
Due to its remoteness, the Coral Sea has largely managed to avoid this terrible fate. But the area is largely unprotected, leaving it vulnerable to the same impacts that have devastated other marine regions, including sea level rises caused by global warming, illegal fishing and the potential for large-scale oil and gas exploration in the region.
Due to its remoteness, the Coral Sea has largely managed to avoid this terrible fate. But the area is largely unprotected, leaving it vulnerable to the same impacts that have devastated other marine regions, including sea level rises caused by global warming, illegal fishing and the potential for large-scale oil and gas exploration in the region.
We have to change this trend and try to save animals and the environment of the Coral Sea, and you can also do your part by signing the WWF Action:
Declare the entire Coral Sea region a Marine Protected Area!!
Declare the entire Coral Sea region a Marine Protected Area!!
Remember, alway put your attention when enjoying nature on holidays on the sea, it's our right to live great moments of relaxing in these incredilbe places looking like paradise on Earth, but we also have the DUTY of respecting the environmnent and its inhabitants!
Truly yours,
Hello Joséphine, merci pour ta visite ! Oui tu peux mettre le lien, je prends le tiens aussi, tes messages sont passionnants
Hi Philtre, merci pour ton commentaire!merci pour le lien, je l'ai aussi mis dans mon autre blog, tu as encore l'adresse n'est pas? si non je te l'écrit encore une fois!
Merci aussi pour "messages passionants".
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